Jose Ramon Villar Flecha
Jose Ramon Villar Flecha
Computer Science Department, University of Oviedo
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Cited by
Improving fall detection using an on-wrist wearable accelerometer
SB Khojasteh, JR Villar, C Chira, VM González, E De la Cal
Sensors 18 (5), 1350, 2018
A soft computing method for detecting lifetime building thermal insulation failures
J Sedano, L Curiel, E Corchado, E de la Cal, JR Villar
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering 17 (2), 103-115, 2010
Features and models for human activity recognition
S González, J Sedano, JR Villar, E Corchado, Á Herrero, B Baruque
Neurocomputing 167, 52-60, 2015
Improving human activity recognition and its application in early stroke diagnosis
JR Villar, S González, J Sedano, C Chira, JM Trejo-Gabriel-Galan
International journal of neural systems 25 (04), 1450036, 2015
Generalized models for the classification of abnormal movements in daily life and its applicability to epilepsy convulsion recognition
JR Villar, P Vergara, M Menéndez, E de la Cal, VM González, J Sedano
International journal of neural systems 26 (06), 1650037, 2016
Mutual information-based feature selection and partition design in fuzzy rule-based classifiers from vague data
L Sánchez, MR Suárez, JR Villar, I Couso
International Journal of Approximate Reasoning 49 (3), 607-622, 2008
An IoT platform for epilepsy monitoring and supervising
PM Vergara, E de la Cal, JR Villar, VM González, J Sedano
Journal of Sensors 2017 (1), 6043069, 2017
A fuzzy logic based efficient energy saving approach for domestic heating systems
JR Villar, E de la Cal, J Sedano
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering 16 (2), 151-163, 2009
Obtaining transparent models of chaotic systems with multi-objective simulated annealing algorithms
L Sánchez, JR Villar
Information Sciences 178 (4), 952-970, 2008
Towards effective detection of elderly falls with CNN-LSTM neural networks
E García, M Villar, M Fáñez, JR Villar, E de la Cal, SB Cho
Neurocomputing 500, 231-240, 2022
Boosting of fuzzy models for high-dimensional imprecise datasets
L Sánchez, J Otero, JR Villar
Proc. IPMU, 1965-1973, 2006
An intelligent route management system for electric vehicle charging
J Sedano, C Chira, JR Villar, EM Ambel
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering 20 (4), 321-333, 2013
A cluster merging method for time series microarray with production values
C Chira, J Sedano, M Camara, C Prieto, JR Villar, E Corchado
International journal of neural systems 24 (06), 1450018, 2014
Optimising operational costs using Soft Computing techniques
J Sedano, A Berzosa, JR Villar, E Corchado, E de la Cal
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering 18 (4), 313-325, 2011
Impact of individual headache types on the work and work efficiency of headache sufferers
S Simić, T Rabi-Žikić, JR Villar, JL Calvo-Rolle, D Simić, SD Simić
International journal of environmental research and public health 17 (18), 6918, 2020
User-centered fall detection using supervised, on-line learning and transfer learning
JR Villar, E de la Cal, M Fañez, VM González, J Sedano
Progress in Artificial Intelligence 8, 453-474, 2019
Human activity recognition and feature selection for stroke early diagnosis
JR Villar, S González, J Sedano, C Chira, JM Trejo
Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems: 8th International Conference, HAIS …, 2013
A feature selection method using a fuzzy mutual information measure
J Grande, MR Suárez, JR Villar
Innovations in Hybrid Intelligent Systems, 56-63, 2007
An efficient multi-robot path planning solution using A* and coevolutionary algorithms
E García, JR Villar, Q Tan, J Sedano, C Chira
Integrated Computer-Aided Engineering 30 (1), 41-52, 2023
Evaluation of a wrist-based wearable fall detection method
S Barri Khojasteh, JR Villar, E de la Cal, VM González, J Sedano, ...
Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems: 13th International Conference, HAIS …, 2018
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Articles 1–20