Santiago Porras
Cited by
Cited by
Geothermal heat exchanger energy prediction based on time series and monitoring sensors optimization
B Baruque, S Porras, E Jove, JL Calvo-Rolle
Energy 171, 49-60, 2019
Exact methods for variable selection in principal component analysis: Guide functions and pre-selection
J Pacheco, S Casado, S Porras
Computational statistics & data analysis 57 (1), 95-111, 2013
Variable neighborhood search with memory for a single-machine scheduling problem with periodic maintenance and sequence-dependent set-up times
J Pacheco, S Porras, S Casado, B Baruque
Knowledge-Based Systems 145, 236-249, 2018
Toxicological response of the model fungus Saccharomyces cerevisiae to different concentrations of commercial graphene nanoplatelets
M Suarez-Diez, S Porras, F Laguna-Teno, PJ Schaap, JA Tamayo-Ramos
Scientific reports 10 (1), 3232, 2020
A comparative analysis of intelligent techniques to predict energy generated by a small wind turbine from atmospheric variables
S Porras, E Jove, B Baruque, JL Calvo-Rolle
Logic Journal of the IGPL 31 (4), 648-663, 2023
Hybrid classification ensemble using topology-preserving clustering
B Baruque, S Porras, E Corchado
New Generation Computing 29, 329-344, 2011
Exploring determinants of public satisfaction with urban solid waste collection services quality
JC Puche-Regaliza, S Porras-Alfonso, A Jiménez, S Aparicio-Castillo, ...
Environment, Development and Sustainability 23, 9927-9948, 2021
Understanding honeypot data by an unsupervised neural visualization
Á Alonso, S Porras, E Ezpeleta, E Vergara, I Arenaza, R Uribeetxeberria, ...
Computational Intelligence in Security for Information Systems 2010 …, 2010
On the visualization of honeypot data through projection techniques
Á Alonso, S Porras, E Ezpeleta, E Vergara, I Arenaza, R Uribeetxeberria, ...
10th International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Science and …, 2010
Small-wind turbine power generation prediction from atmospheric variables based on intelligent techniques
B Baruque, E Jove, S Porras, JL Calvo-Rolle
15th International Conference on Soft Computing Models in Industrial and …, 2021
Clustering ensemble for spam filtering
S Porras, B Baruque, B Vaquerizo, E Corchado
Hybrid Artificial Intelligent Systems: 6th International Conference, HAIS …, 2011
Tourism Reputation Index for Assessing Perceptions on Destinations Using Collaborative Text Data
PA Maraña, BB Zanón, SP Alfonso, PA Val
Estudios de economía aplicada 41 (1), 2023
Software tool for analysis and visualization of GPS tracks in urban environments
H Cogollos-Adrián, S Porras-Alfonso, B Baruque-Zanón
Transportation Research Procedia 58, 401-407, 2021
Analysis of traffic velocity under different weather and temporary conditions
H Cogollos-Adrián, S Porras-Alfonso, B Baruque-Zanón
Transportation research procedia 58, 654-661, 2021
Relationship between time management and class attendance in university students: clustering techniques for detection of profiles
S Porras Alfonso, JC Puche Regaliza, S Casado Yusta, A Sauvée, ...
Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2023
Discovery of tourists' movement patterns in venice from public transport data
HC Adrián, SP Alfonso, BB Zanón, A Raffaetà, F Zanatta
Proceedings of the 37th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium on Applied Computing, 564-568, 2022
Prediction of small-wind turbine performance from time series modelling using intelligent techniques
S Porras, E Jove, B Baruque, JL Calvo-Rolle
Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning–IDEAL 2020: 21st …, 2020
Time management and absenteeism: studying the students through machine learning
S Porras, A Sauvée, JC Puche, S Casado, P Antón, JA Pacheco
Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València, 2024
Comparison of Geospatial Trajectory Clustering and Feature Trajectory Clustering for Public Transportation Trip Data
HC Adrian, BB Zanon, SP Alfonso, P Dolezel
International Conference on Hybrid Artificial Intelligence Systems, 589-599, 2023
Comparativa de los escenarios presencial, mixto y on-line en Educación Universitaria: Análisis de sus efectos sobre los resultados académicos considerando la interacción con …
JCP Regaliza, SP Alfonso, SC Yusta, JP Bonrostro
Revista de Investigación en Educación 21 (2), 295-309, 2023
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