Paula Villagra
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A GIS-base exploration of the relationships between open space systems and urban form for the adaptive capacity of cities after an earthquake: The cases of two Chilean cities
P Villagra, C Rojas, R Ohno, M Xue, K Gómez
Applied Geography 48, 64-78, 2014
Evaluating reconstruction effects on urban resilience: a comparison between two Chilean tsunami-prone cities
I Tumini, P Villagra-Islas, G Herrmann-Lunecke
Natural Hazards 85, 1363-1392, 2017
Disaster governance for community resilience in coastal towns: Chilean case studies
P Villagra, C Quintana
International journal of environmental research and public health 14 (9), 1063, 2017
Loving, leaving, living: Evacuation site place attachment predicts natural hazard coping behavior
S Ariccio, I Petruccelli, UG Cancellieri, C Quintana, P Villagra, M Bonaiuto
Journal of environmental psychology 70, 101431, 2020
Community resilience to tsunamis along the Southeastern Pacific: a multivariate approach incorporating physical, environmental, and social indicators
P Villagra, MG Herrmann, C Quintana, RD Sepúlveda
Natural hazards 88, 1087-1111, 2017
Socio-ecological studies in urban and rural ecosystems in Chile
O Barbosa, P Villagra
Earth stewardship: linking ecology and ethics in theory and practice, 297-311, 2015
Open space and their attributes, uses and restorative qualities in an earthquake emergency scenario: The case of Concepción, Chile
P Villagra-Islas, S Alves
Urban Forestry & Urban Greening 19, 56-67, 2016
Community resilience and urban planning in tsunami‐prone settlements in Chile
MG Herrmann‐Lunecke, P Villagra
Disasters 44 (1), 103-124, 2020
Newer plant displays in botanical gardens: The role of design in environmental interpretation
P Villagra-Islas
Landscape research 36 (5), 573-597, 2011
Resilience thinking and urban planning in a coastal environment at risks of tsunamis: the case study of Mehuín, Chile
P Villagra, G Herrmann, C Quintana, RD Sepúlveda
Revista de Geografía Norte Grande, 63-82, 2016
El pensamiento resiliente y la planificación urbana en un entorno costero bajo riesgo de tsunami: el caso de Mehuín, Chile
P Villagra, G Herrmann, C Quintana, RD Sepúlveda
Revista de Geografía Norte Grande, 55-62, 2016
Risk factors and perceived restoration in a town destroyed by the 2010 Chile tsunami
C Martínez, O Rojas, P Villagra, R Aránguiz, K Sáez-Carrillo
Copernicus GmbH, 2016
Perceived visual landscape changes in a fire prone environment: A multi-method approach
PV Islas, DG Vergara
Journal of Environmental Psychology 32 (2), 144-157, 2012
Wildfire Management in Chile: Increasing Risks Call for More Resilient Communities
P Villagra, S Paula
Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 63 (3), 4-14, 2021
Drivers of community resilience to natural hazards: The experience in Southern Chile
P Villagra
Environment: Science and Policy for Sustainable Development 61 (4), 4-17, 2019
Dimensiones física y cultural de la resiliencia post-desastre:¿ son compatibles en ciudades Chilenas
P Villagra, C Rojas
Revista Geográfica del Sur 6, 85-102, 2013
Design aspects of urban wetlands in an earthquake-prone environment
P Villagra-Islas, M Dobbie
Journal of Urban Design 19 (5), 660-681, 2014
El paisaje urbano de emergencia en Valdivia, Chile: contribuciones a la planificación y diseño urbano post-desastre para la restauración
PA Villagra Islas, SC Felsenhardt Rosen
Revista Invi 30 (83), 19-76, 2015
Evacuation intention on the Southern Chilean coast: A psychological and spatial study approach
P Villagra, C Quintana, S Ariccio, M Bonaiuto
Habitat International 117, 102443, 2021
Costa Resiliente: A Serious Game Co-Designed to Foster Resilience Thinking
C Olivares-Rodríguez, P Villagra, RE Mardones, L Cárcamo-Ulloa, ...
Sustainability 14 (24), 16760, 2022
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