Roberto Yus
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Cited by
Towards Privacy-Aware Smart Buildings: Capturing, Communicating, and Enforcing Privacy Policies and Preferences
P Pappachan, M Degeling, R Yus, A Das, S Bhagavatula, W Melicher, ...
International Workshop on the Internet of Things Computing and Applications …, 2017
Robust Semantic Text Similarity Using LSA, Machine Learning and Linguistic Resources
A Kashyap, L Han, R Yus, J Sleeman, T Satyapanich, S Gandhi, T Finin
Language Resources and Evaluation 50 (1), 416-423, 2016
SHERLOCK: Semantic management of location-based services in wireless environments
R Yus, E Mena, S Ilarri, A Illarramendi
Pervasive and Mobile Computing 15, 87-99, 2014
Android goes Semantic: DL Reasoners on Smartphones
R Yus, C Bobed, G Esteban, F Bobillo, E Mena
2nd International Workshop on OWL Reasoner Evaluation, 2013
Semantic reasoning on mobile devices: Do Androids dream of efficient reasoners?
C Bobed, R Yus, F Bobillo, E Mena
Journal of Web Semantics 35, 167-183, 2015
Meerkat Mafia: Multilingual and Cross-Level Semantic Textual Similarity Systems
A Kashyap, L Han, R Yus, J Sleeman, T Satyapanich, S Gandhi, T Finin
3rd Joint Conf. on Lexical and Computational Semantics, 2014
IoT-Detective: Analyzing IoT Data Under Differential Privacy
S Ghayyur, Y Chen, R Yus, A Machanavajjhala, M Hay, G Miklau, ...
ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, 2018
LOCATER: Cleaning WiFi Connectivity Datasets for Semantic Localization
Y Lin, D Jiang, R Yus, G Bouloukakis, A Chio, S Mehrotra, ...
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 14 (3), 329-341, 2020
Smartbench: A benchmark for data management in smart spaces
P Gupta, MJ Carey, S Mehrotra, R Yus
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 13 (12), 1807-1820, 2020
Exploring Fairness in Participatory Thermal Comfort Control in Smart Buildings
EJ Shin, R Yus, S Mehrotra, N Venkatasubramanian
4th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy-Efficient Built …, 2017
FaceBlock: Privacy-Aware Pictures for Google Glass
R Yus, P Pappachan, PK Das, E Mena, A Joshi, T Finin
12th International Conference on Mobile Systems, Applications, and Services …, 2014
A friendly location-aware system to facilitate the work of technical directors when broadcasting sport events
S Ilarri, E Mena, A Illarramendi, R Yus, M Laka, G Marcos
Mobile Information Systems 8 (1), 17-43, 2012
Abstracting Interactions with IoT Devices Towards a Semantic Vision of Smart Spaces
R Yus, G Bouloukakis, S Mehrotra, N Venkatasubramanian
Proceedings of the 6th ACM International Conference on Systems for Energy …, 2019
Are Apps Going Semantic? A Systematic Review of Semantic Mobile Applications
R Yus, P Pappachan
1st International Workshop on Mobile Deployment of Semantic Technologies …, 2015
FedSPLIT: One-Shot Federated Recommendation System Based on Non-negative Joint Matrix Factorization and Knowledge Distillation
ME Eren, LE Richards, M Bhattarai, R Yus, C Nicholas, BS Alexandrov
arXiv preprint arXiv:2205.02359, 2022
Rafiki: A Semantic and Collaborative Approach to Community Health-Care in Underserved Areas
P Pappachan, R Yus, A Joshi, T Finin
10th IEEE International Conference on Collaborative Computing: Networking …, 2014
Sieve: A Middleware Approach to Scalable Access Control for Database Management Systems
P Pappachan, R Yus, S Mehrotra, JC Freytag
Proceedings of the VLDB Endowment 13 (11), 2424-2437, 2020
A Semantic Context-Aware Privacy Model for FaceBlock
P Pappachan, R Yus, PK Das, T Finin, E Mena, A Joshi
Second International Workshop on Society, Privacy and the Semantic Web …, 2014
The SemIoTic Ecosystem: A Semantic Bridge between IoT Devices and Smart Spaces
R Yus, G Bouloukakis, S Mehrotra, N Venkatasubramanian
ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT) 22 (3), 1-33, 2022
SmartSPEC: customizable smart space datasets via event-driven simulations
A Chio, D Jiang, P Gupta, G Bouloukakis, R Yus, S Mehrotra, ...
2022 IEEE International Conference on Pervasive Computing and Communications …, 2022
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Articles 1–20