Ali Akbari
Ali Akbari
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Challenges in truncating the hierarchy of time-dependent reduced density matrices equations
A Akbari, MJ Hashemi, A Rubio, RM Nieminen, R van Leeuwen
Physical Review B—Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 85 (23), 235121, 2012
First principles modelling of perovskite solar cells based on TiO 2 and Al 2 O 3: stability and interfacial electronic structure
A Akbari, J Hashemi, E Mosconi, F De Angelis, M Hakala
Journal of Materials Chemistry A 5 (5), 2339-2345, 2017
Multi-intermediate-band character of Ti-substituted : Implications for photovoltaic applications
J Hashemi, A Akbari, S Huotari, M Hakala
Physical Review B 90 (7), 075154, 2014
X-ray induced dimerization of cinnamic acid: Time-resolved inelastic X-ray scattering study
J Inkinen, J Niskanen, T Talka, CJ Sahle, H Müller, L Khriachtchev, ...
Scientific Reports 5 (1), 15851, 2015
Identification of the dye adsorption modes in dye-sensitised solar cells with X-ray spectroscopy techniques: a computational study
A Akbari, J Hashemi, J Niskanen, S Huotari, M Hakala
Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 17 (16), 10849-10855, 2015
Momentum density and spatial form of correlated density matrix in model two-electron atoms with harmonic confinement
A Akbari, NH March, A Rubio
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 76 (3), 032510, 2007
Density-matrix theory for the ground state of spin-compensated harmonically confined two-electron model atoms with general interparticle repulsion
A Akbari, NH March, A Rubio
Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics 80 (3), 032509, 2009
Development and applicarions of time-dependent density matrix functional theory
A Akbari
CSIC-UPV-Centro de Física de Materiales (CFM), 2012
Four electrons interacting pairwise in the limit of infinitesimal confining potentials: Especially the quintet spin state
A Akbari, C Amovilli, NH March, A Rubio
Chemical Physics Letters 536, 162-164, 2012
Recent progress in low-order density matrix theory of inhomogeneous electron liquids by exact solution of two-and four-electron model atoms
A Akbari, NH March, A Rubio, GGN Angilella, R Pucci
Physics and Chemistry of Liquids 51 (1), 1-9, 2013
Exact correlated kinetic energy related to the electron density for two-electron model atoms with harmonic confinement
NH March, A Akbari, A Rubio
Physics Letters A 370 (5-6), 509-511, 2007
First principles modelling of perovskite solar cells based on TiO₂ and Al₂O₃: stability and interfacial electronic structure
A Akbari, J Hashemi, E Mosconi, F De Angelis, M Hakala
Explicit form of Pauli potential for direct derivation of pair density from a two-particle differential equation for the quintet state of four electrons with harmonic …
A Akbari, C Amovilli, NH March, A Rubio
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 51 (5), 1462-1466, 2013
A proposed family of variationally correlated first-order density matrices for spin-polarized three-electron model atoms
A Akbari, NH March, A Rubio
Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 51 (2), 763-773, 2013
Time evolution of reduced density matrices using BBGKY hierarchy
MJ Hashemi, A Akbari, RM Nieminen, A Rubio, R Leeuwen
The quality of Mueller type functionals in reduced density matrix functional theory
N Helbig, NN Lathiotakis, A Akbari, A Rubio, EKU Gross
Verhandlungen der Deutschen Physikalischen Gesellschaft 43, 2008
Control of high-field phenomena on molecules and clusters: ionization and high harmonic generation
A Castro, E Räsänen, A Akbari, A Rubio, EKU Gross
Atomic and molecular structure and dynamics-Momentum density and spatial form of correlated density matrix in model two-electron atoms with harmonic confinement
A Akbari, NH March, A Rubio
Physical Review-Section A-Atomic Molecular and Optical Physics 76 (3), 32510 …, 2007
X-ray induced dimerization of cinnamic acid: Time-resolved inelastic X-ray scattering study Supplementary Information
J Inkinen, J Niskanen, T Talka, CJ Sahle, H Müller, L Khriachtchev, ...
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