Determination of biodiesel content when blended with mineral diesel fuel using infrared spectroscopy and multivariate calibration MF Pimentel, GMGS Ribeiro, RS da Cruz, L Stragevitch, ... Microchemical Journal 82 (2), 201-206, 2006 | 231 | 2006 |
Comparing the analytical performances of Micro-NIR and FT-NIR spectrometers in the evaluation of acerola fruit quality, using PLS and SVM regression algorithms C Malegori, EJN Marques, ST de Freitas, MF Pimentel, C Pasquini, ... Talanta 165, 112-116, 2017 | 205 | 2017 |
Calibração: uma revisão para químicos analíticos MF Pimentel, BB Neto Química Nova 19 (3), 268-277, 1996 | 192 | 1996 |
Rapid and non-destructive determination of quality parameters in the ‘Tommy Atkins’ mango using a novel handheld near infrared spectrometer EJN Marques, ST de Freitas, MF Pimentel, C Pasquini Food Chemistry 197, 1207-1214, 2016 | 177 | 2016 |
Near infrared hyperspectral imaging for forensic analysis of document forgery CS Silva, MF Pimentel, RS Honorato, C Pasquini, JM Prats-Montalbán, ... Analyst 139 (20), 5176-5184, 2014 | 128 | 2014 |
Classification of blue pen ink using infrared spectroscopy and linear discriminant analysis CS Silva, FSL Borba, MF Pimentel, MJC Pontes, RS Honorato, C Pasquini Microchemical Journal 109, 122-127, 2013 | 124 | 2013 |
Prediction of properties of diesel/biodiesel blends by infrared spectroscopy and multivariate calibration LFB De Lira, FVC De Vasconcelos, CF Pereira, APS Paim, L Stragevitch, ... Fuel 89 (2), 405-409, 2010 | 122 | 2010 |
Aspects of the successive projections algorithm for variable selection in multivariate calibration applied to plasma emission spectrometry RKH Galvão, MF Pimentel, MCU Araujo, T Yoneyama, V Visani Analytica Chimica Acta 443 (1), 107-115, 2001 | 110 | 2001 |
Infrared spectroscopy and multivariate calibration to monitor stability quality parameters of biodiesel LFB de Lira, MS de Albuquerque, JGA Pacheco, TM Fonseca, ... Microchemical journal 96 (1), 126-131, 2010 | 105 | 2010 |
Quantification of biodiesel and adulteration with vegetable oils in diesel/biodiesel blends using portable near-infrared spectrometer EM Paiva, JJR Rohwedder, C Pasquini, MF Pimentel, CF Pereira Fuel 160, 57-63, 2015 | 102 | 2015 |
Assessment of infrared spectroscopy and multivariate techniques for monitoring the service condition of diesel-engine lubricating oils AR Caneca, MF Pimentel, RKH Galvão, CE da Matta, FR de Carvalho, ... Talanta 70 (2), 344-352, 2006 | 100 | 2006 |
Determination of mercury in rice by cold vapor atomic fluorescence spectrometry after microwave-assisted digestion MJ Da Silva, APS Paim, MF Pimentel, ML Cervera, M De la Guardia Analytica Chimica Acta 667 (1-2), 43-48, 2010 | 99 | 2010 |
Detection of adulteration in hydrated ethyl alcohol fuel using infrared spectroscopy and supervised pattern recognition methods AC Silva, LFBL Pontes, MF Pimentel, MJC Pontes Talanta 93, 129-134, 2012 | 91 | 2012 |
A comparative study of calibration transfer methods for determination of gasoline quality parameters in three different near infrared spectrometers CF Pereira, MF Pimentel, RKH Galvão, FA Honorato, L Stragevitch, ... analytica chimica acta 611 (1), 41-47, 2008 | 85 | 2008 |
Revising the synthesis of Stöber silica nanoparticles: A multivariate assessment study on the effects of reaction parameters on the particle size RS Fernandes, IM Raimundo Jr, MF Pimentel Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects 577, 1-7, 2019 | 84 | 2019 |
Application of fractional factorial design to levan production by Zymomonas mobilis IR Melo, MF Pimentel, CE Lopes, GMT Calazans Brazilian Journal of Microbiology 38, 45-51, 2007 | 83 | 2007 |
Mineral composition of wheat flour consumed in Brazilian cities RGO Araujo, SM Macedo, MGA Korn, MF Pimentel, RE Bruns, ... Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society 19, 935-942, 2008 | 82 | 2008 |
Evaluation of a handheld ultra-compact NIR spectrometer for rapid and non-destructive determination of apple fruit quality A Pissard, EJN Marques, P Dardenne, M Lateur, C Pasquini, MF Pimentel, ... Postharvest Biology and Technology 172, 111375, 2021 | 81 | 2021 |
Screening analysis to detect adulteration in diesel/biodiesel blends using near infrared spectrometry and multivariate classification MJC Pontes, CF Pereira, MF Pimentel, FVC Vasconcelos, AGB Silva Talanta 85 (4), 2159-2165, 2011 | 79 | 2011 |
Robust modeling for multivariate calibration transfer by the successive projections algorithm FA Honorato, RKH Galvão, MF Pimentel, B de Barros Neto, MCU Araújo, ... Chemometrics and intelligent laboratory systems 76 (1), 65-72, 2005 | 78 | 2005 |