Yolanda Joy Calvo Benzies
Cited by
Cited by
Contributions of new technologies to the teaching of English pronunciation
YJC Benzies
Language Value 9 (1), 2017
Spanish EFL university students’ views on the teaching of pronunciation: A survey-based study
YJC Benzies, Y Joy
Language 5, 41-49, 2013
English as a Lingua Franca (ELF) in ESP contexts. Students’ attitudes towards non-native speech and analysis of teaching materials
YJ Calvo-Benzies
Universidad de Alicante. Departamento de Filología Inglesa, 2017
The Teaching and Learning of English Pronunciation in Spain. An Analysis and Appraisal of Studentsʼ and Teachersʼ Views and Teaching Materials
YJ Calvo Benzies
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, 2016
Advanced spanish university students’ problems with the pronunciation ofenglish vowels. Identification, analysis and teaching implications
YJ Calvo Benzies
Universidad de Almería, 2013
Using traditional board games in EFL classes to focus on pronunciation
YJC Benzies
Humanising Language Teaching 17 (1), 2015
La enseñanza de la pronunciación del inglés en Galicia: una asignatura pendiente
YJC Benzies
Estudios de Lingüística: investigaciones, propuestas y aplicaciones, 13-20, 2013
Spanish Students' Reflections on the Importance of Written and Spoken Skills in their EFL Classes at High School and at University.
YJ Calvo Benzies
RaeL: Revista Electronica de Linguistica Aplicada, 1-20, 2016
The teaching of pronunciation in Spain: students´ and teachers’ views
YJC Benzies
IATEFL 2013 Liverpool Conference Selections, 106-108, 2014
/ðə ˈmusɪk ɪnˈdustrɪ jas esˈtarted teikin leˈgal akˈʃɒn/*. A Preliminary Study on the Nature and Impact of Phonological and Orthographic Transfer in the English Speech of …
YJ Calvo-Benzies
Cross-Linguistic Influence: From Empirical Evidence to Classroom Practice, 21-47, 2019
Students’ Views on the Teaching of English Pronunciation in Spain. A Survey-Based Study
YJC Benzies
Research challenges for anglophone studies in the 21st century 186, 51, 2012
Students' Views on the Teaching of English Pronunciation in Spain: a Survey-Based Study
YJ Calvo Benzies
Research Challenges for Anglophone Studies in the 21st Century, 51-62, 2012
Les xarxes socials i el llenguatge informal a l’aula universitària: un primer apropament a l’ús de Whatsapp en la matèria d’Anglés I en el grau de Turisme per incentivar un …
YJ Calvo Benzies
VI Jornades d'Experiències Docents a la UIB, p. 34, 2024
Retroalimentació i recursos educatius digitals en l’adquisició de vocabulari específic i habilitats en producció oral en anglès com a llengua estrangera
A Robin Ruthven, IM Bello Viruega, M Pomar Amer, YJ Calvo Benzies, ...
VI Jornades d'Experiències Docents a la UIB, p. 27, 2024
Out-of-class contact with English: Enriching L2 students’ learning experience
M Amengual-Pizarro, YJC Benzíes, K Jacob
Resúmenes del XXIV Congreso Internacional de la SEDLL, 46, 2023
The creation of podcasts to enhance the development of speaking and specific vocabulary in authentic contexts: a case study on the use of" Anchor" with ESP tourism students
YJC Benzies
Technological innovation put to the service of language learning …, 2023
Using WhatsApp in tourism ESP classes. A linguistic analysis of the language used, and grammatical mistakes made
YJ Calvo Benzies
Human Review, 2022, vol. 12, num. 5, p. 1-21, 2022
Contributions of social networks to the learning of English outside the classroom: A case study on the use of WhatsApp with Tourism students to improve their writing skills
YJ Calvo Benzies
CUICIID 2022, 544, 2022
Innovación educativa en el aula de inglés como lengua extranjera: perspectivas desde la investigación y la práctica docente
Jornada de Innovación docente de la Universidad de La Rioja 2021, 17, 2021
Gamifying the ESP classroom at university level: A comparative study on Law, Tourism and Social Work students' perspectives on Kahoot
YJ Calvo Benzies
Investigación e innovación educativa frente a los retos para el desarrollo …, 2021
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Articles 1–20