Arndt Leininger
Cited by
Cited by
Do populist parties increase voter turnout? Evidence from over 40 years of electoral history in 31 European democracies
A Leininger, MJ Meijers
Political Studies 69 (3), 665-685, 2021
Voting at the dawn of a global pandemic
A Leininger, M Schaub
SocArXiv 12, 2020, 2020
Direct Democracy in Europe: Potentials and Pitfalls
A Leininger
Global Policy 6 (S1), 17-27, 2015
Electoral participation, political disaffection, and the rise of the populist radical right
J Schulte-Cloos, A Leininger
Party Politics 28 (3), 431-443, 2022
Vintage errors: do real-time economic data improve election forecasts?
MA Kayser, A Leininger
Research & Politics 2 (3), 2053168015589624, 2015
How to increase turnout in low-salience elections: Quasi-experimental evidence on the effect of concurrent second-order elections on political participation
A Leininger, L Rudolph, S Zittlau
Political Science Research and Methods 6 (3), 509-526, 2018
Cleavage politics, polarisation and participation in Western Europe
E Borbáth, S Hutter, A Leininger
West european politics 46 (4), 631-651, 2023
Die Erfolge der AfD und die Wahlbeteiligung: Gibt es einen Zusammenhang?
S Haußner, A Leininger
ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen 49 (1), 69-90, 2018
A Predictive Test of Voters' Economic Benchmarking: The 2013 German Bundestag Election
MA Kayser, A Leininger
German Politics 25 (1), 106-130, 2016
Votes at 16 in Germany: Examining Subnational Variation
A Leininger, T Faas
Lowering the Voting Age to 16, 143-166, 2020
A Länder-based Forecast of the 2017 German Bundestag Election
MA Kayser, A Leininger
PS: Political Science & Politics 50 (3), 689-692, 2017
How representative are referendums? Evidence from 20 years of Swiss referendums
A Leininger, L Heyne
Electoral Studies, 2017
Temporary Disenfranchisement: Negative Side Effects of Lowering the Voting Age
A Leininger, ML Sohnius, T Faas, S Roßteutscher, A Schäfer
American Political Science Review 117 (1), 355-361, 2023
Wählen in der Pandemie: Herausforderungen und Konsequenzen
A Leininger, A Wagner
Zeitschrift für Politikwissenschaft 31 (1), 91-100, 2021
Coattails and spillover-effects: Quasi-experimental evidence from concurrent executive and legislative elections
L Rudolph, A Leininger
Electoral Studies 70, 102264, 2021
Economic voting in direct democracy: A case study of the 2016 Italian constitutional referendum
A Leininger
Politics and Governance 7 (2), 306-333, 2019
Strategic Alignment in Times of Crisis: Voting at the dawn of a global pandemic
A Leininger, M Schaub
Political Behavior 46 (3), 1589-1607, 2024
Instrumental or procedural democrats? The evolution of procedural preferences after democratization
C Landwehr, A Leininger
Political Research Exchange 1 (1), 1-19, 2019
Wissenschaftliche Wahlprognosen–Alternative oder Ergänzung zu Umfragen?
A Leininger
ZParl Zeitschrift für Parlamentsfragen 46 (4), 675-691, 2015
Lowering the Quality of Democracy by Lowering the Voting Age? Comparing the Impact of School, Classmates, and Parents on 15-to 18-Year-Olds’ Political Interest and Turnout
S Rossteutscher, T Faas, A Leininger, A Schäfer
German Politics 31 (4), 483-510, 2022
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Articles 1–20