Guillermo Goyenola
Guillermo Goyenola
Associate Professor (tenured full time) CURE-UDELAR
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Environmental warming in shallow lakes: a review of potential changes in community structure as evidenced from space-for-time substitution approaches
M Meerhoff, F Teixeira-de Mello, C Kruk, C Alonso, ...
Advances in ecological research 46, 259-349, 2012
High predation is of key importance for dominance of small-bodied zooplankton in warm shallow lakes: evidence from lakes, fish exclosures and surface sediments
C Iglesias, N Mazzeo, M Meerhoff, G Lacerot, JM Clemente, F Scasso, ...
Hydrobiologia 667, 133-147, 2011
Horizontal dynamics of Zooplankton in subtropical Lake Bianca (Uruguay) hosting multiple Zooplankton predators and aquatic plant refuges
C Iglesias, G Goyenola, N Mazzeo, M Meerhoff, E Rodo, E Jeppesen
Shallow Lakes in a Changing World: Proceedings of the 5th International …, 2007
Global effects of agriculture on fluvial dissolved organic matter
D Graeber, IG Boëchat, F Encina-Montoya, C Esse, J Gelbrecht, ...
Scientific reports 5 (1), 16328, 2015
A global assessment of the effects of eucalyptus plantations on stream ecosystem functioning
V Ferreira, L Boyero, C Calvo, F Correa, R Figueroa, JF Gonçalves, ...
Ecosystems 22, 629-642, 2019
Field and experimental evidence of the effect of Jenynsia multidentata, a small omnivorous–planktivorous fish, on the size distribution of zooplankton in subtropical …
C Iglesias, N Mazzeo, G Goyenola, C Fosalba, F Teixeira de Mello, ...
Freshwater Biology 53 (9), 1797-1807, 2008
Recent advances and open questions around pesticide dynamics and effects on freshwater fishes
A Pérez-Parada, G Goyenola, FT de Mello, H Heinzen
Current Opinion in Environmental Science & Health 4, 38-44, 2018
Phytoplankton community structure in five subtropical shallow lakes with different trophic status (Uruguay): a morphology-based approach
JP Pacheco, C Iglesias, M Meerhoff, C Fosalba, G Goyenola, ...
Hydrobiologia 646 (1), 187-197, 2010
Guía para la utilización de las Valijas Viajeras
G Goyenola
Red de Monitoreo de Ambiental Participativo (RED MAPSA). Uruguay, 2007
Seasonal and diel changes in fish activity and potential cascading effects in subtropical shallow lakes with different water transparency
M Gelós, F Teixeira-de Mello, G Goyenola, C Iglesias, C Fosalba, ...
Hydrobiologia 646 (1), 173-185, 2010
Stable isotope analysis confirms substantial differences between subtropical and temperate shallow lake food webs
C Iglesias, M Meerhoff, LS Johansson, I González-Bergonzoni, N Mazzeo, ...
Hydrobiologia 784, 111-123, 2017
Monitoring strategies of stream phosphorus under contrasting climate-driven flow regimes
G Goyenola, M Meerhoff, F Teixeira-de Mello, I González-Bergonzoni, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19 (10), 4099-4111, 2015
Current and future threats for ecological quality management of South American freshwater ecosystems
A Torremorell, C Hegoburu, AL Brandimarte, EHC Rodrigues, M Pompêo, ...
Inland Waters 11 (2), 125-140, 2021
Interacting effects of climate and agriculture on fluvial DOM in temperate and subtropical catchments
D Graeber, G Goyenola, M Meerhoff, E Zwirnmann, NB Ovesen, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 19 (5), 2377-2394, 2015
Fish composition and species richness in eastern South American coastal lagoons: additional support for the freshwater ecoregions of the world
AC Petry, TFR Guimarães, FM Vasconcellos, SM Hartz, FG Becker, ...
Journal of fish biology 89 (1), 280-314, 2016
Drivers of cyanobacteria dominance, composition and nitrogen fixing behavior in a shallow lake with alternative regimes in time and space, Laguna del Sauce (Maldonado, Uruguay)
L González-Madina, JP Pacheco, L Yema, P de Tezanos, P Levrini, ...
Hydrobiologia 829, 61-76, 2019
Potential drivers of seasonal shifts in fish omnivory in a subtropical stream
I González-Bergonzoni, E Jeppesen, N Vidal, F Teixeira-de Mello, ...
Hydrobiologia 768, 183-196, 2016
Multi-model approach to predict phytoplankton biomass and composition dynamics in a eutrophic shallow lake governed by extreme meteorological events
C Crisci, R Terra, JP Pacheco, B Ghattas, M Bidegain, G Goyenola, ...
Ecological Modelling 360, 80-93, 2017
Red de monitoreo ambiental participativo de sistemas acuáticos
G Goyenola
Obtenido de RED MAPSA: http://imasd. fcien. edu. uy/difusion/educamb …, 2007
Phosphorus dynamics in lowland streams as a response to climatic, hydrological and agricultural land use gradients
G Goyenola, M Meerhoff, F Teixeira-de Mello, I González-Bergonzoni, ...
Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions 12 (3), 3349-3390, 2015
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