Barbara Butrica
Barbara Butrica
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The Cross-National Equivalent File: A product of cross-national research
RV Burkhauser, BA Butrica, MC Daly, DR Lillard
Soziale sicherung in einer dynamischen gesellschaft. Festschrift für Richard …, 2001
The Disappearing Defined Benefit Pension and its Potential Impact on the Retirement Incomes of Baby Boomers
H Iams, BA Butrica, KE Smith, EJ Toder
Social security bulletin 69 (3), 1-28, 2009
Volunteer Dynamics of Older Americans
BA Butrica, RW Johnson, SR Zedlewski
The Journals of Gerontology Series B: Psychological Sciences and Social …, 2009
Working for a Good Retirement
BA Butrica, KE Smith, CE Steuerle
Government Spending on the Elderly, 141-177, 2007
This Is Not Your Parents’ Retirement: Comparing Retirement Income across Generations
BA Butrica, KE Smith, H Iams
Social Security Bulletin 72 (1), 37-58, 2012
It's All Relative: Understanding the Retirement Prospects of Baby-Boomers
BA Butrica, KE Smith, HM Iams
Boston College Center for Retirement Research, 2003
Mobility patterns of older homeowners: are older homeowners trapped in distressed neighborhoods?
RV Burkhauser, BA Butrica, MJ Wasylenko
Research on Aging 17 (4), 363-384, 1995
The Impact of Informal Caregiving on Older Adults' Labor Supply and Economic Resources
BA Butrica, NS Karamcheva
The Urban Institute, 2015
Divorced Women at Retirement: Projections of Ecoonomic Well-Being in the Near Future
BA Butrica, HM Iams
Soc. Sec. Bull. 63, 3, 2000
Satisfaction and Engagement in Retirement
BA Butrica, SG Schaner
How Will Boomers Fare at Retirement?
BA Butrica
The Urban Institute, 2004
Age Disparities in Unemployment and Reemployment during the Great Recession and Recovery
RW Johnson, BA Butrica
Unemployment and Recovery Project Brief 3, 2012
Modeling Income in the Near Term 5
KE Smith, M Favreault, CE Ratcliffe, BA Butrica, EJ Toder, J Bakija
Available at SSRN 2206397, 2007
Understanding Expenditure Patterns in Retirement
BA Butrica, JH Goldwyn, RW Johnson
Available at SSRN 1148888, 2005
The Changing Impact of Social Security on Retirement Income in the United States
BA Butrica, HM Iams, KE Smith
The Distributional Effects of Government Spending and Taxation, 112-132, 2006
The Changing Impact of Social Security on Retirement Income in the United States.
BA Butrica, HM lams, KE Smith
Social Security Bulletin 65 (3), 1-13, 0
Does Household Debt Influence the Labor Supply and Benefit Claiming Decisions of Older Americans?
B Butrica, N Karamcheva
Estimating Federal Income Tax Burdens For Panel Study of Income Dynamics (PSID) Families Using the National Bureau of Economic Research TAXSIM Model
BA Butrica, RV Burkhauser
Syracuse University Center for Policy Research Aging Studies Program Paper 12, 1997
How Many Struggle to Get by in Retirement?
BA Butrica, DP Murphy, SR Zedlewski
The Gerontologist 50 (4), 482-494, 2010
Work and Retirement Patterns for the GI Generation, Silent Generation, and Early Boomers: Thirty Years of Change
RW Johnson, BA Butrica, C Mommaerts
Boston College Center for Retirement Research Working Paper, 2010
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