Inés Martínez-Corts
Inés Martínez-Corts
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Types of intragroup conflict and affective reactions
FJ Medina, L Munduate, MA Dorado, I Martínez Corts, JM Guerra
Journal of Managerial Psychology 20 (3/4), 219-230, 2005
A contingency perspective in the study of the consequences of conflict types. The role of organizational culture.
FJM JM Guerra, I Martínez, L Munduate
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology 14 (2), 157-176, 2005
Spillover of interpersonal conflicts from work into nonwork: A daily diary study.
I Martinez-Corts, E Demerouti, AB Bakker, M Boz
Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 20 (3), 326, 2015
Efectos positivos de la activación del conflicto de tarea sobre el clima de los equipos de trabajo
FJ Medina, L Munduate, I Martínez, MA Dorado, MA Mañas
International Journal of Social Psychology 19 (1), 3-15, 2004
Breaking negative consequences of relationship conflicts at work: The moderating role of work family enrichment and supervisor support
M Boz, I Martínez, L Munduate
Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones 25 (2), 113-121, 2009
Types of combined family-to-work conflict and enrichment and subjective health in Spain: A gender perspective
M Boz, I Martínez-Corts, L Munduate
Sex Roles 74, 136-153, 2016
Types of conflict and personal and organizational consequences
FJ Medina, MA Dorado, L Munduate, I Martínez, IFJ Cisneros
Comunicación presentada a la Internacional Association for Conflict …, 2002
Coping with interpersonal conflict at work in small business: The moderating role of supervisor and co-worker support
I Martínez Corts, M Benítez González, M Andrade Boz, ML Munduate Jaca, ...
Revista de Psicología del Trabajo y de las Organizaciones, 27 (2), 117-129., 2011
A closer look at key concepts of work-nonwork interface
E Demerouti, I Martínez-Corts, M Boz
New frontiers in work and family researc, 2013
Efectividad de los patrones de influencia
I Martínez Corts, ML Munduate Jaca, FJ Medina Díaz
Psicothema, 20 (3), 369-375., 2008
How do we approach accountability with our constituency? Gender differences in the use of influence tactics
FJ Medina, A Povedano, I Martinez, L Munduate
International Journal of Conflict Management 20 (1), 46-59, 2009
Enfermedad renal crónica: Indicaciones para remitir pacientes desde el nivel de atención primaria al nivel de especialista en nefrología. Ventajas del envío precoz. Estrategias …
I Martínez
Nefrología 24 (6), 84-90, 2004
Rebuilding the social dialogue and promoting inclusive organizations. A tool for social innovation in times of crisis
L Munduate, D Di Marco, I Martínez-Corts, A Arenas, N Gamero
Papeles del Psicólogo 2 (35), 122-129, 2014
Issues in the development of research on interrole enrichment
E Demerouti, I Martínez-Corts, M Boz
New frontiers in work and family research Demerouti, 2013
Spanish validation of the shorter version of the workplace incivility scale: an employment status invariant measure
D Di Marco, I Martínez-Corts, A Arenas, N Gamero
Frontiers in psychology 9, 959, 2018
Reconstruyendo el diálogo social y promoviendo organizaciones inclusivas. Una herramienta para la innovación social en tiempos de crisis
ML Munduate Jaca, D Di Marco, I Martínez Corts, A Arenas Moreno
Papeles del Psicólogo, 35 (2), 122-129., 2014
El papel de la enfermería en la Oficina Central de la ONT
S Martín Jiménez, I Martínez Alpuente, D Uruñuela
Aula Médica (Madrid, España), 2008
Conciliación de la Vida Laboral, Familiar y Personal en las PyMEs de la provincia de Sevilla: Perspectiva Empresarial y Familiar
M Boz, I Martínez-Corts, L Munduate
Informe técnico para la Junta de Andalucía. Sevilla: Consejería de Empleo, 2007
Gender differences in the experience of family-to-work conflict and enrichment
M Boz, I Martínez-Corts, L Munduate
International Conference of Work & Family. Barcelona, 2009
Hierarchical conflicts and employees’ well-being: Consequences of conflict between supervisors and subordinates on employees’ well-being
M Benítez, JM Guerra, FJ Medina, I Martínez, L Munduate
Psychologica 47, 29-42, 2008
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Articles 1–20