Jose A. Pereda
Jose A. Pereda
Associate Professor, Universidad de Cantabria
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Analyzing the stability of the FDTD technique by combining the von Neumann method with the Routh-Hurwitz criterion
JA Pereda, LA Vielva, A Vegas, A Prieto
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 49 (2), 377-381, 2001
Computation of resonant frequencies and quality factors of open dielectric resonators by a combination of the finite-difference time-domain(FDTD) and Prony's methods
JA Pereda, LA Vielva, A Vegas, A Prieto
IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters 2 (11), 431-433, 1992
FDTD modeling of wave propagation in dispersive media by using the Mobius transformation technique
JA Pereda, A Vegas, A Prieto
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 50 (7), 1689-1695, 2002
FDTD analysis of magnetized ferrites: Application to the calculation of dispersion characteristics of ferrite-loaded waveguides
JA Pereda, LA Vielva, MA Solano, A Vegas, A Prieto
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 43 (2), 350-357, 1995
A new algorithm for the incorporation of arbitrary linear lumped networks into FDTD simulators
JA Pereda, F Alimenti, P Mezzanotte, L Roselli, R Sorrentino
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 47 (6), 943-949, 1999
A treatment of magnetized ferrites using the FDTD method
JA Pereda, LA Vielva, A Vegas, A Prieto
IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters 3 (5), 136-138, 1993
Numerical dispersion and stability analysis of the FDTD technique in lossy dielectrics
JA Pereda, O Garcia, A Vegas, A Prieto
IEEE Microwave and Guided Wave Letters 8 (7), 245-247, 1998
An extension of the lumped-network FDTD method to linear two-port lumped circuits
O González, JA Pereda, A Herrera, A Vegas
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques 54 (7), 3045-3051, 2006
Underdetermined blind source separation in a time-varying environment
L Vielva, D Erdoğmuş, C Pantaleón, I Santamaría, J Pereda, JC Príncipe
2002 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal …, 2002
FDTD modeling of chiral media by using the mobius transformation technique
JA Pereda, A Grande, O González, A Vegas
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 5 (1), 327-330, 2006
An improved compact 2D full‐wave FDFD method for general guided wave structures
JA Pereda, A Vegas, A Prieto
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters 38 (4), 331-335, 2003
Study on the stability and numerical dispersion of the FDTD technique including lumped inductors
JA Pereda, Á Vegas, A Prieto
IEEE Transactions on Microwave Theory and Techniques, 52 (3), 1052-1058, 2004
Estimation of the mixing matrix for underdetermined blind source separation using spectral estimation techniques
L Vielva, I Santamaría, C Pantaleón, J Ibáñez, D Erdoğmuş, JC Príncipe
2002 11th European Signal Processing Conference, 1-4, 2002
Accuracy Limitations of the Locally One-Dimensional FDTD Technique
A Grande, JA Pereda
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 13, 1180 - 1183, 2014
FDTD analysis of magnetized ferrites: An approach based on the rotated Richtmyer difference scheme
JA Pereda, LA Vielva, A Vegas, A Prieto
IEEE microwave and guided wave letters 3 (9), 322-324, 1993
The 1D ADI-FDTD method in lossy media
JA Pereda, A Grande, O González
IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters 7, 477-480, 2008
State-space approach to the FDTD formulation for dispersive media
JA Pereda, LA Vielva, A Vegas, A Prieto
IEEE transactions on magnetics 31 (3), 1602-1605, 1995
An extended FDTD method for the treatment of partially magnetized ferrites
JA Pereda, LA Vielva, A Vegas, A Prieto
IEEE transactions on magnetics 31 (3), 1666-1669, 1995
Neuronal architecture for waveguide inductive iris bandpass filter optimization
A Mediavilla, A Tazon, JA Pereda, M Lazaro, I Santamaria, C Pantaleon
Neural Networks, 2000. IJCNN 2000, Proceedings of the IEEE-INNS-ENNS …, 2000
On the equivalence of several FDTD formulations for modeling electromagnetic wave propagation in double-negative metamaterials
A Grande, JA Pereda, O González, A Vegas
Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, IEEE 6, 324-327, 2007
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Articles 1–20