Kashif Virk
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Cited by
Network-on-chip modeling for system-level multiprocessor simulation
J Madsen, S Mahadevan, K Virk, M Gonzalez
RTSS 2003. 24th IEEE Real-Time Systems Symposium, 2003, 265-274, 2003
ARTS: A SystemC-based framework for multiprocessor systems-on-chip modelling
S Mahadevan, K Virk, J Madsen
Design Automation for Embedded Systems 11, 285-311, 2007
ARTS: a system-level framework for modeling MPSoC components and analysis of their causality
S Mahadevan, M Storgaard, J Madsen, K Virk
13th IEEE International Symposium on Modeling, Analysis, and Simulation of …, 2005
Abstract RTOS modeling for multiprocessor system-on-chip
J Madsen, K Virk, M Gonzales
Proceedings. 2003 International Symposium on System-on-Chip (IEEE Cat. No …, 2003
A System C-Based Abstract Real-Time Operating System Model for Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chips
J Madsen, K Virk, MJ Gonzalez
Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chips, 283-311, 2005
Network-centric system-level model for multiprocessor soc simulation
J Madsen, S Mahadevan, K Virk
Interconnect-Centric Design for Advanced soc and noc, 341-365, 2004
System-level modeling of wireless integrated sensor networks
K Virk, K Hansen, J Madsen
2005 International Symposium on System-on-Chip, 179-182, 2005
A system-level multiprocessor system-on-chip modeling framework
K Virk, J Madsen
2004 International Symposium on System-on-Chip, 2004. Proceedings., 81-84, 2004
Design of an Integrated GFSK Demodulator for a Bluetooth receiver
KM Virk
Project report, Informatics & Mathematical Modeling, Technical University of …, 2001
System-level modeling and simulation of MEMS-based sensors
M Shafique, A Menon, K Virk, J Madsen
2005 Pakistan Section Multitopic Conference, 1-6, 2005
Design of a development platform for HW/SW codesign of wireless integrated sensor nodes
K Virk, J Madsen, AV Lorentzen, M Leopold, P Bonnet, M Hansen
8th Euromicro Conference on Digital System Design (DSD'05), 254-260, 2005
Functional testing of wireless sensor node designs
K Virk, J Madsen
2007 Innovations in Information Technologies (IIT), 123-127, 2007
Resource Allocation Model for Modelling Abstract RTOS on Multiprocessor System-on-Chip
KM Virk, J Madsen
Proceedings of the 21th Norchip Conference in Riga, Latvia, 10-11 november …, 2003
System-Level Modeling of Nano-Electromechanical Systems
K Virk
Nanotechnology for Telecommunications, 228-239, 2017
System-Level Design Methodologies for Networked Multiprocessor Systems-on-Chip
KM Virk
ARTS: A System-Level MPSoC Modelling Framework
S Mahadevan, KM Virk, J Madsen
Multiprocessor Systems-Modelling and Simulation
J Madsen, KM Virk
Embedded Systems Design: The ARTIST Roadmap for Research and Development …, 2005
Network-centric system-level model for multiprocessor soc simulation
J Madsen, S Mahadevan, K Virk
Interconnect-Centric Design for Advanced soc and noc, 341-365, 2005
Abstract System-on-Chip modelling in SystemC
J Madsen, KM Virk, S Mahadevan
European SystemC Users Group Meeting (DATE 2004), 2004
Computing Platforms-Multiprocessor Modeling and Simulation
K Virk
System-Level Design Methodologies for Networked Multiprocessor Systems-on …, 0
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Articles 1–20