Esperanza Ayuga-Téllez
Esperanza Ayuga-Téllez
Professor of Statistics in Forestry and Environmental Engineering and Management Departament
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Cited by
Determination of the mechanical properties of maize grains and olives required for use in DEM simulations
C González-Montellano, JM Fuentes, E Ayuga-Téllez, F Ayuga
Journal of food engineering 111 (4), 553-562, 2012
A contribution to the assessment of scenic quality of landscapes based on preferences expressed by the public
I Cañas, E Ayuga, F Ayuga
Land use policy 26 (4), 1173-1181, 2009
A simplified model to assess landscape quality from rural roads in Spain
Á Ramírez, E Ayuga-Téllez, E Gallego, JM Fuentes, AI García
Agriculture, ecosystems & environment 142 (3-4), 205-212, 2011
Quantitative techniques in landscape planning
E Martinez-Falero
CRC Press, 1995
Remote sensing estimates and measures of uncertainty for forest variables at different aggregation levels
F Mauro, I Molina, A García‐Abril, R Valbuena, E Ayuga‐Téllez
Environmetrics 27 (4), 225-238, 2016
Methods of tree appraisal: A review of their features and application possibilities
M Grande Ortiz, E Ayuga Téllez, ML Contato-Carol
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 38 (4), 130-140, 2012
A comparative analysis of methods for the valuation of urban trees in Santiago del Estero, Argentina
ML Contato-Carol, EA Téllez, MÁG Ortiz
Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 341-352, 2008
The development of the flour-milling industry in Spain: analysis of its historical evolution and architectural legacy
JM Fuentes, AI García, E Ayuga, F Ayuga
Journal of Historical Geography 37 (2), 232-241, 2011
Effects of the crisis in the resin sector on the demography of rural municipalities in Spain
SF Ortuño Perez, F Garcia-Robredo, E Ayuga-Tellez, C Fullana Belda
Forest systems 22 (1), 39-46, 2013
Guía completa de Statgraphics
S Martín Fernández, E Ayuga Téllez, C González García, ...
Desde MS-DOS a Statgraphics Plus, 2001
Diseño de un cuestionario para evaluar conocimientos básicos de estadística de estudiantes del último curso de ingeniería
E Ayuga-Téllez, C González-García, MA Grande-Ortiz, E Martínez-Falero
Formación universitaria 5 (1), 21-32, 2012
Performance of a monthly Streamflow prediction model for Ungauged watersheds in Spain
J Vicente-Guillén, E Ayuga-Telléz, D Otero, JL Chávez, F Ayuga, ...
Water resources management 26, 3767-3784, 2012
Análisis de competencias en el Grado de Ingeniería Forestal para su adaptación al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior
E Ayuga-Téllez, C González-García, MA Grande-Ortiz
Formación universitaria 3 (3), 3-14, 2010
Experts’ analysis of the quality and usability of SILVANET software for informing sustainable forest management
JE Martínez-Falero, E Ayuga-Tellez, C Gonzalez-Garcia, MA Grande-Ortiz, ...
Sustainability 9 (7), 1200, 2017
Quantitative Techniques in Participatory Forest Management
E Martínez-Falero, S Martin-Fernandez, AD Garcia-Abril
CRC Press, 2016
Selection of tree-size variables for appraisal methods for urban trees according to their collinearity
A Sánchez-Medina, E Ayuga-Téllez, L Contato-Carol, MA Grande-Ortiz, ...
Arboriculture & Urban Forestry 43 (3), 121-130, 2017
Estudio comparativo de distintas funciones núcleo para la obtención del mejor ajuste según el tipo de datos
JE Martínez Falero, E Ayuga Téllez, C González García
Qüestiió: quaderns d'estadística i investigació operativa 16 (1), 1992
Applying multivariate data analysis as objective method for calculating the location index for use in urban tree appraisal
E Ayuga-Téllez, ML Contato-Carol, C González, MÁ Grande-Ortiz, ...
Journal of urban planning and development 137 (3), 230-237, 2011
Técnicas de muestreo en ciencias forestales y ambientales
E Ayuga Téllez
Bellisco, 1999
Estimation of non-parametric regression for dasometric measures
E Ayuga Téllez, AJ Martín Fernández, C González García, ...
Journal of Applied Statistics 33 (8), 819-836, 2006
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Articles 1–20